Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I went NTU for lunch today
With my bunch of friends
Saw Thomas
But didnt say 'Hi' coz too far away
Oh nevermind

Long time since I meet my pals
Bo, me & GuoquanMe & KennyMe & HengSwee

Why am I always on the left side of the photo?

They said I look very tanned wor
Yah meh?
I still think I'm not tanned enough
Excuses for more dive trips

Went to attend engineering lecture with Heng Swee
I was pretty attentive for the 1st 20mins until I started to daydream
Bo was sending SMSes to ease his boredom

I sorta miss study life
& that was just 4 months after I graduated!!

Super big rain at 330pm
Feet wet, body cold
Went to have snacks
Must eat veggies
Am on diet

On way back home
This cloud is extremely beautiful

So am.......
Aiyah...you know one lah...

Goldwell called me
Asked me to go for this cover-girl selection for this international magazine
Bbecause they think I'm beautiful
Wah...They see me too up. I feel very honoured


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