Saturday, July 23, 2005

It's the second time that I didnt sleep for 24hours
How cool can this be?

When I returned from my WildFilms trip to Chek Jawa
Dear said he wasnt going to work
He was down with hives
& so I left after breakfast
& accompanied Dear to the doc
We waited for hours & I nearly fell asleep while waiting
& we only got to leave for home at 3pm
I concussed immediately as soon as I jumped onto Dear's bed
But woke up at 7pm for TV
& went out with Gor at 930pm
Only got to finally reach home at 1230am

Let's speak about my Chek Jawa trip
Despite the full moon
We didnt really see many mobile animals
& I could finally spot nudibranches!!!
Elysia spp.
Armina spp.
The brittle stars were huge!

Ugly toadfishes alive

But what was really going on in Chek Jawa was...
There was poachers!
We found about 5-7 pots on the shore with a long line linking one another
It stretched from the shore all the way to the water
& in each pot there was approximately 3-4 crabs

As you know
Chek Jawa is a protected area
Thus, poaching is illegal
We then released the crabs by cutting the nets & destroying the pots
& contacted Nparks about the situation

Crab rescue for the morning, cool heh?

Heading to Mich's bbq later
& then to Berting Bornok on Sunday morning
But work at Sunday night

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