I am watching news
I am thinking
We are all gonna die soon
Have you save enough money for your choice of funeral?
I want mine to be of cremation
Ash overboard in South Pacific Ocean
I am disgressing
Avian flu seems to have expand all over the world
First it was in China
Then HongKong
Then Indonesia
Then Vietnam
Then Cambodia
Then India
Then Malaysia
Then Eygpt
Then Israel
Then I donno where
So is Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
I like to act chim
BSE is otherwise known as Mad cow disease
With all these diseases appearing in our secondary production
What should we eat in near future?
Plain veggie?
Aint gonna be any safer either
Metal contamination in water sources can affect growth of plants
Which in turn affect us if we consume
Bioaccumulation & bioconcentration
Lead, mercury can lead to fetal deformation
& in no time
Our descendents might have become freaky alienated retards
I cant imagine
To think I still want cute kids
What had actually happened?
I knew what happened to BSE
But I'm too lazy to type out
Search Google yourself ok?
I hate people who try to sabotage me
I have a deadline to meet today
But I wasnt able to do so coz someone said so
A task was given on 9 Mar
But I was only told to work on it on 16 Mar
Deadline is 17 Mar
Data collation was required
Tabulation was required
When done
I sent to someone to take a look
Hoping she can give the green light
& send back to the original sender immediately
Which was requested initially
But for long
She didnt reply to me
& so I asked her personally
"So is the statistics ok? Do you want me to send over or what?"
"No..it's still with the Director"
"Ok..so do you want me to send or you send it over?"
"You cant just send over like that.. you have to show her..she hasnt take a look at it"
"Oh.. ok..."
Cant she understand English?
D-o y-o-u w-a-n-t m-e t-o s-e-n-d o-r y-o-u s-e-n-d i-t o-v-e-r?
*rolls eyes in disgust*
This stupid statistic survey is not as important as contract renewal
Why does she have to show to the Director?
It doesnt even bother her!
In the first place
This survey was NOT carbon-copied (CC) to her either
How the hell does she even know what was going on?
It's just like...
You're suddenly being dumped with a completed document, which no instructions what-so-ever
& expects you to know everything about it
Makes sense?
Basically this is so redundant
I dont see the point that she has to delay my deadline
& if I ever get complain about not being able to meet deadline
Which I've always been able to do so
It is all because of this someone
& this
She's being so smart by making use of me
If the outcome of the survey is good, she gets praised
If it's bad, I get the blame
What's more
Minor minor things to be done must go through me 1st before she can sign on it
Things as minuit as the chromosome in a sperm must also be so calculative
Why is that so?
She thinks I'm stupid
So everytime when she dumps back the pile of documents awaiting for her signature done by the temp staffs
All of us scolded her 'cheebye' softly
She doesnt sign unless her name is stamped on it
I dont think stamping her name will take an hour
Somemore it's just one piece of paper
Why drag for a day just coz it's not stamped?
Forget it
Pasar malam at my house here opened liao leh
Who wanna go with me?
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