Thursday, January 12, 2006

I just couldnt stop thinking
& I dont think I'm in wrong
It's not the 1st time I debate this topic with someone else
& I still stand on my own point
But I didnt mean to be bad
I was just spreading the words for any other conservationists will do

Say NO to shark's fins

We've heard of thousands of cases where sharks are being finned and carcasses are dumped into the sea alive
No fins, no hydrodynamic lift, no water flow, no oxygen, they drown
Flesh were not sold coz it contains high concentration of ammonia which deteoriates within hours, making sale impossible
Just because it is being popular in Asia
It's being viewed as one of the highly valuable food among the Chinese
Although some countries had banned finning
Illegal finning and trades are still going on
It's hard to stop such trade, even harder in the black market
HongKong is top import of Shark's Fins, followed by Singapore

Facts about sharks where finning becomes an issue:
It has low birth rate
It reaches sexual maturity at age 20-30, depending on species
It is top predator that regulates the ecosystem but is being overfished (due to accidental gill-netting) more quickly than it's being replaced
Numbers are decreasing worldwide

Facts about why shark fins should not be taken:
As mentioned above, it is the top predator. It contains high amount of mercury due to bioaccumulation, bioconcentration & biomagnification
Mercury oxide is toxic when it was reduced from Mercury
Shark fins are tasteless, but thanks to the soup

Ask me why cannot eat shark but can eat chicken & ducks?

Sharks can be eaten unless you find it in market & cook it before it decompose, which gives you many times more proteins than you can find in the poultry
Otherwise you'll only be sucking high on ammonia
It is just the fins which are not agreeable with

Many conservation groups are aware of shark finning
& this is the main focus
They arent against sharks
Just the process

I hope it's understandable

It does affect business somehow
But we're not trying to ruin business
It's the ethics behind it
If environmental benefits weighs more than social benefits, in this case sharks being the top predator regulating the ecosystem, then sharks must be spare from finning
Take it as a whole, where other parts are being economically consumed as well
This sounds better yeah?

I know I'd offended someone by being so positive about anti-sharks fins
But I am very sure I am not trying to ruin business
I'm just being educational by spreading message across
Make one think twice
When buying stops, killing stops

Yes I am a spoiler
I tell people dont eat shark fins even on Chinese New Year
I copied words from WWF ambassadors
I am a member of WWF
I'm proud of myself

Shame on you

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