Sunday, September 20, 2009

Yet another rainy day
But I had fun, sort of

Brought my students to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve this late afternoon
Only 8 of them
The smallest group I'd brought so far
All of them are pretty fun to talk to
& they're quite enthusiastic about what they learn

DarDar went with me
But he ventured to the other side of the park
& took photographs
He saw a crocodile!!

My students & I couldnt see it
Coz we donno where it is
& it's highly camouflaged in the water near the shore
But DarDar brought me to the site again
& I saw it


After the fieldtrip
We walked out to the busstop
& along the way
We heard yaps from the side of the road
I suspected it's a puppy in the canal
& I sent DarDar to check it out

I was right
A black puppy had fallen into the canal

DarDar descended to grab it up
But it kept yapping non-stop

Then among the bushes
An adult dog was barking
It's Dog Mama

DarDar climbed out of the canal for safety reason
In case of sudden attack from the bitch

Luckily a Thai wworker passed by
& he helped us to get the puppy up

The puppy was yapping loudly in fear
& the bitch ran out
I scared it away while they rescued the puppy

After a while
The puppy was up
& back to its Mama

Happy ending

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