Sunday, November 30, 2008

I had a weird dream last night

I dreamt that I was traveling to somewhere on a coach
With me were DarDar's young relatives (i.e cousins)
All girls
& the place was like India

It seemed that we headed to India to study (O_O??)
& indeed I met my ex-classmate there

The classroom was horrible
There were guards at each corner of the room
& no one is to talk or stand up
'Else badly battered

But I saw myself running about
& pretty much alive

Then I saw DarDar
Bringing me to a shopping mall for dinner
But we never find the place
& both of us suddenly separated from each other

At this point of time
I was instructed to bring DarDar's cousins to this place called Pukar
To seek help

We rode on a train
The view out the window was dark
The sky was covered with thick black clouds
But the sun is coming out from beside
So the sky was half sunny half stormy

& then
I woke up

I looked out of the window
The sky was grey

Supposedly we were to go cycling
But I then decided to stay indoor & DarDar went alone

I did a Google on 'Pukar'

Deep ponders

Pukar is a word that means a "cry for help/ attention" or "to call out" in Hindi and Urdu

Yes that word is associated with India, particularly Mumbai
& 'calling for help?'

I haven been paying attention to the terrorism news lately
& I admit I'm not troubled by what is happening there
Call me ignorant (for the time being)
Why the dream?
Who's calling for help?
& why me?

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