I blindly forwarded it to my close friends
& suddenly I realised I was so wrong
I looked at the pictures carefully
Heh? Isnt it the one that I kept at home for 1 week?
& died due to either hypoxia or hunger or high [nitrogen]?
I read the email & the article
Instantly, I felt it's a bullshit
I replied my friends about what I'd found
I came upon your webby after some friends of mine have been circulating a what-I-believe-is-a-hoax-bt-Paragonimiasis-infecting-crayfish piece of news via email.
I admit I have little knowledge of this yabbies but as far as I know, it is a popular freshwater pet. I'd kept it for sometimes too. However, based on my knowledge bt its ecology, I could say that this is truly a hoax.
First of all,my first point has already proven this is fake.
The yabbies cannot tolerate polluted water. The sentence saying 'the dirtier the water, the fatter the lobster' does not prove correct.
Second, it is a delicacy in China, no doubt is it in Scandanivian & Mexico either. Although most Paragonimiasis occur in Asia, I sense there could be a bias in this article, particularly aiming China due to its infamous 'black' dishes & products.
Thirdly,the vector for this parasitic lung fluke is mainly in freshwater snails and Chinese mitten crabs. I would say that the Chinese mitten crab would be more effective in transmitting Paragonimiasis since this is eaten raw & is enjoyed worldwide by millions of people, rather than the cooked yabbies, that are enjoyed at particular continents.
Forthly, this particular species
Paragonimus westermani will only infect human if freshwater crayfish or crabs are eaten raw. By looking at the deliciousily spicy cooked crayfish, it seems harmless to be infected.
Generalizing all yabbies cause lung infections is not appropriate. FYI, there is another crayfish species that can tolerate polluted water, which appears to be an invasive species, but it is not served on dishes. Instead, it is a biological control to pests in some countries.
I understand your anticipation of posting this article to highlight the issue of infection to humans by parasites. However, I also hope that facts are there to support before any further hoax emails about whatever other things is circulated freaking people worldwide.
I'd eaten most raw seafood
Oysters, sashimi (my favourite!),50% done beef
As long as you know how to eat them safely
I dont see what's wrong
Like for my sashimi, of coz, there's a reason for eating with wasabi (to kill germs on raw seafood)
Fear not abt the yabby
Cant kill you when they're cooked
Now, I wonder how good they taste
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