Saturday, February 03, 2007


What have I been telling you peeps since ages?
I know I'm not that old but I bet there were already some of such people telling you since then
& now?
You suffer
What can I say?

Stop littering around
Stop pollution
Stop burning forest
Stop deforestation
Reduce private transport
Save water
Blah blah blah

& newspaper headlines reads big on this
"Global Warming effects unstoppable"
"No fish in next 40 years"

In the next 20 years
Indonesia will drown
No more polar bears
USA will have frequest tornados
Real-life experience and drills for 'Twister'
Tsunami may just crash without seabed earthquakes
Unpredictable disaster can kill people more than that in WWII
It has a probability rate of 1/1000
When it hits, it just hits
No signal, no siren


Are you dead?

Not yet still
But soon

Can you just admit that you are the asshole who voted George Bush?
That mere miss of 1% all because of you
I voted for Al Gore
& did you watch 'The Inconvenient truth'?

It is just the same type of documentary we watch on Discovery Channel
How increase in human population leads to the increase of carbon gases
& its expoliation
But why didnt anyone care until they watch it on the silver screen?

The book publishers are so gonna screw you hard
For decades in the Geography textbooks saying monsoon season occurs only in Nov to Jan for Singapore
Now they have to reprint and says it is all year round
So much so for China's drought, USA's hurricanes and India's flood

I guess the scientists have been doing very hard researches
& I think there's nothing they can do already

Told you smoking kills
You still smoke
Told you no more sharks
You still eat shark fins
Told you no more tigers
Still wanna eat tiger's penis
Told you the world's dying

Humans never learn

So now Mother Nature (aka Mum) is punishing us

All thanks to George Bush
He refused to sign the Kyotol Protocol
He wants his man to die in his hands than in Mum's hands
In the end
Everyone will still die in his hands
Just because he refuse to sign

Evil man

Next USA Election
Vote anyone
Except George Bush

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