Saturday, March 20, 2010

The guilt killed me badly that night
It led to series of unnecessary hallucinations
& I cried real badly as the recent history flashed back

DarDar even scolded me for being nonsensical initially
But he hugged me & consoled me after a while

It wasnt a simple task to forget that painful episode
To compare
I was the one who suffered more than him
Physically, emotionally & mentally
So DarDar has no right to get pissed off at me
Nor to scold me at all

Although I look cheerful & strong
It is just the surface
Please do not leave me alone
Because I will start this all over again
It has been self-proven

I do not know when this mind-torture will end
I hope soon
In fact
The sooner the better
I want to replace what had been lost
& I will make it happen to complete the cycle

Be it acceptable or not
I dont care
My life
My control
I will make sure everything will turn out right, even if it doesnt

So far
I'm handling things pretty well
Shouldnt be much of a problem, I'd say
All I need will just be support

& thank you in advance

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