Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm using my new laptop

Chio right?
Best part is the screen is only 10"
& weighs only 1kg+
Super portable!
Now I will not dread going school with heavy laptops anymore

Another best thing is
DarDar's dad actually gave this to me
So this is FREE!

Xie xie xie xie

I initially asked him to just help me check if his company's computer supplier will have lower price
& in the end
He just bought it for me!

Another best thing is
DarDar has kindly helped me to re-installed & transferred my important files from my old & lousy laptop to this
& also helped me to connect it to his ViewSonic CRT so that I can view my stuffs on a larger screen when my eyes are tired
>_< >_<

Now I can even do my report in Penang next week

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