What a day
Got me so pissed that I almost wanna slap everyone who keeps bothering me
The morning sky was heavily covered with thick grey clouds
Especially over the area where Chek Jawa is
With much praying & hoping
No sight of rain was spotted
So I guess it was just another false alarm, as usual
While at Chek Jawa and wearing my bootie
I heard water pattered on leaves
"Maybe just wind.." I thought
& as I was putting the bootie onto my foot
It downpoured!!!
I was like... WHAT?!
Can you imagine how low I was?
Total -_-""""""""""""""""""
As I wait
The sun came out
& shining bright
But rain hadnt stopped!
Finally it did
So I headed down the shore with Max & Cookie
Ever seen half-white half-black sky before?

Just was I was working on my third transect
The sky over at Tanah Merah looks blur
Damn. Rain again
& just 3 seconds after I had that in my mind
The rain came & SPLASHED everything on me
I quickly grabbed everything & rushed to for shelter under the rare tree species
Poo Max & Cookie got wet with me too
& they were whining as they ran back
I was still packing my stuffs & wearing my raincoat
But when I had it on
I was already 60% wet
*rolls eyes*
Brenda came down to the boardwalk & waited for me with an umbrella
So kind of her
& just few minutes after I was at the kiosk
Drying up all the things
The sun was out again & shone with its brightest ray of light
While rain subsided gradually
I fat also dont like that make me walk up & down the shore ma!
Very mafan one ok!
Must carry the damn heavy stuffs down
Pack & unpack
Laid out transects down the slippery rocks
I needa risk my life too one leh
I damn pek chek
I kinda hesitated to go down initially coz I scare it will rain again
But in the end I headed down
Coz I left my precious MUJI pencil on the rock
So... continue with my last two transects
Back shore
Had lunch
& out to the boardwalk again
This time
I had my binoculars & cameras
Needa measure tide level of my transect line
Wah lao
The tide came in damn fast & strong
Splashed until all my markings disappeared
Kinda ti-gum where the transect distance is
Stayed till 2pm where the highest tide was
& went out to find DarDar
Who had been fishing very hardworkingly since 7am
I thought DarDar was fishing at the jetty
So I walked towards just to say Hi & Bye
But I didnt see him
& the boatman asked me to get on the boat
I quickly called DarDar where he was
& then ran off to find him
Abandoning the 11 passengers on boat
& couldnt go back Changi without the 12th person aka me
Boatman must be very angry with me
Luckily is not the friendly uncles I know
Else very bad
Stayed for 15mins
DarDar accompanied me to the jetty
He's staying overnight fishing with Sunny & Jeremy
Ok lo
So I abandoned him (or he abandoned me)
& the minute I board the boat
It rained again!
So much water for what?
I think I've too much encounter with water today
Water = money
Make me win 4D forever ok?
Bought a footlong Subway sandwich
Rushed home
Gobbled my food
Rushed to school
& yes
I'm in school now
Lesson starting at 630pm
& I'm feeling sleepy already
This classmate of mine is kinda irritating
Keep asking me to take notes for her coz she's too tired to attend lesson after her course
I worked at Ubin for 7 hours for the past 2 days since 530am not tired?
Always ask me take this do that for her
Already called & SMS me to take notes for her like 10 times today
Scare I never take for her
If so scare, go for class la!
Find journals also cant find
Always tell me she very busy
Only she busy?
I have 3 reports & 1 proposal in line!
Then also keep asking me if I'd read my journals or notes
I said I didnt have the time to even realise got new documents
She said 'So good la you..'
I'm losing out alot loh
If I'm not on track
I'm so sick to talk to her on the phone
Calling me darling, good pal
Save it
Later go home must immediate concuss
& I'm sleeping alone tonight