Monday, July 30, 2007


I got very frustrated since morning
I didnt wanna speak to anyone on the phone
But it just keep ringing
Asking me things that I'd heard many times over & over again
I feel so shitty
I didnt feel like doing anything & act busy by staring at the computer screen & clicking the mouse
I didnt wanna repeat myself with every word that came out
I didnt wish to explain things not needed

Tears flooded my eye bag
Damn could I hardly read now


I am scared

Am I handling too much than I should be?

Am I worrying too much than I shouldnt be?

Where is me?

Think I'm losing myself again
Hello hello.. testing 1 2 3

I'm glad I have 3 months of rest before I start a new journey
Be it a worse or better path ahead
I think I'd still prefer this

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