Friday, March 09, 2007


It's Friday
The slack mode is kicking in
& I just enjoyed my MacDonald's breaky
That sure was a relaxation from work stress in the morning

I'm noticing around
& realised that nowadays
Couples are of different races
I have 3 colleagues whose spouses are of different race/ethnic group
Malay x Swedish
Malay x Italian
Chinese x Indian

& their baby looks so cute!

I also not bad lah
Me = China x Hong Kong

For my generation shouldnt be bad either
Hong Kong x Malaysian

We've got genes crossed
Neutralising special genes all over the world!
& in the next century
Everyone might probably look like everyone
& scientists may probably give up who is our Adam & Eve
Coz the whole genetic tree is gonna be so screwed

Oh anyway
I'm welcoming Saturday
Break break break
I hope

To finish up my First Aid course in the morning
Then go IT show in afternoon
DarDar & I are still deciding where to go for dinner

I'm planning for a short getaway for Good Friday
Sorta aiming Bintan
Never been there before & heard it's damn expensive
But anyway DarDar says he's gonna pay for everything
So why not?
I wanna go Genting
But... so long hours of ride
Sit until backside flat
& then my 3-times-per-week exercise are gonna be wasted
We shall see how

Cant wait to dive
Been months I last felt like a mermaid

Bolbometopon muricatum
Till I see you then

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